Business Retention & Expansion (BR&E) is an economic development strategy that focuses on connecting businesses and our community.

So what does it mean?

BR&E Strengthens the social and economic fabric of our community. Through the use of one-on-one meetings with local business leaders and our office, we are able to address individual business issues while providing insight into broader community concerns to aid us in developing a stronger entrepreneurial ecosystem and healthy business environment in LaGrange County. We are proactively connecting with existing businesses in LaGrange County and examining their individual wants, needs and concerns; interpreting that information; and cross examining it with information reported by other local businesses all so we can purposefully work toward resolutions that will encourage retention of their business locally, and business expansions within LaGrange County.

Why is BR&E Important?

BR&E is important to communities because research has shown that existing businesses represent 70% – 80% of new investment and job creation in a community. A strong BR&E program returns investment to the community. BR&E programs are less costly than recruitment programs, decision-makers are local and are partners in economic growth, and a strong BR&E program supports business recruitment through peer-to-peer marketing.

Our existing businesses and our local workforce are our key source of information regarding the county’s economic health and viability. Consistently, research shows that small businesses are the major drivers of job growth. In Indiana, 85 percent of all existing businesses employ less than 100 people. They are the often-overlooked growth machine of the state—and the ones most likely to add new jobs to their portfolio. Our BR&E plan is intended to help focus the energies of community stakeholders on the economic assets that already exist in our local communities, our county, and our region.

Many BR&E Programs focus on large manufacturers and companies. LaGrange County has a very solid manufacturing background, however we aim to visit more than just our largest employers and producers, as we often see locally that many of the smaller businesses turn into much bigger businesses. We would love to meet with you soon.

Thrive by 5

In LaGrange County we know that access to affordable childcare and early learning affects everyone – both our residents and our businesses alike. In order for our county to retain businesses and help them expand, it is critical that they be able to retain employees. It’s no secret that parents miss work due to a lack of childcare, and LaGrange county falls into what is classified as a childcare desert. This is why LCEDC is a part of the Early Childhood Coalition and is supporting the efforts of Thrive by 5. Thrive by 5 is an organization that is dedicated to helping the community thrive by increasing capacity, affordability, and quality of childcare in both LaGrange and Noble Counties. Click here to find out how you can get involved:

Thrive by 5


We are excited to share in the launch of Indiana’s new entrepreneurship portal, ConnectIND, which features over 2,000 entrepreneurial resources to help your organization with further innovation and success. This portal has been designed to help ESOs and Hoosier Entrepreneurs to connect with each other and to connect with our state’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. Start exploring today to get CONNECTED!

Connect IND: Hub for Indiana Entrepeneurs