We’re on a mission to improve the quality of life for the citizens of LaGrange County through the responsible growth of business and industry. In this case, for our business and industry to keep its momentum moving forward, we must prioritize building a sustainable and county-wide housing strategy, fostering entrepreneurship, and developing our workforce. Housing, entrepreneurship, and workforce development are fundamental in the future growth of LaGrange County and Northeast Indiana as a whole. We are excited to aid locally on these initiatives so that we can continue to build on our successes for generations to come. At LCEDC we are focused on convening with our partners and communities to develop a strong, growing, and lasting economy. We aim to help cultivate progress and partnerships that will continue well into the future so that our county can continue to succeed.
How Does the EDC Benefit LaGrange County?
Our county benefits from the EDC in the way that they help facilitate and bring key players to the table to look at the future of the county. These discussions can only help better our community as we look to innovate and tackle issues that are affecting our community as a whole.
-Ian Mullen, Communications & Office Manager, Chamber of LaGrange County