Local Business

A view of Sunrise Metal Shop

It’s no secret that La­Grange County is home to some of the finest and most distinguished crafts­men in our country, but we’re betting most of our residents have no idea about the varying skill­sets of creators in our area or the impact they have on our local econ­omy. When people think about the phrase ‘Made in LaGrange County’ or the economy here, it’s safe to say our collective, immediate thought is the RV industry. We aren’t di­minishing the importance of the RV industry to our county and the economy here; however, we want to bring light to some of [...]

March 20, 2024|Categories: Local Business|

Made in LaGrange: S&H Metal

It’s no secret that La­Grange County is home to some of the finest and most distinguished craftsman in our country, but we’re betting most of our residents have no idea about the varying skillsets of creators in our area or the impact they have on our local econ­omy. When people think about the phrase “Made in La-Grange County” or the economy here, it’s safe to say our collective, immediate thought is the RV industry. We aren’t diminishing the impor­tance of the RV industry to our county and the economy here; how-ev­er, we want to bring light to some of [...]

September 22, 2023|Categories: Local Business|

Chair Business has Solid History

It’s no secret that La­Grange County is home to some of the finest and most distinguished craftsman in our country, but we’re betting most of our residents have no idea about the varying skillsets of creators in our area or the impact they have on our local econ­omy. When people think about the phrase “Made in La-Grange County” or the economy here, it’s safe to say our collective, immediate thought is the RV industry. We aren’t diminishing the impor­tance of the RV industry to our county and the economy here; how-ev­er, we want to bring light to some of [...]

June 1, 2023|Categories: Local Business|

Chamber Creates New Young Professionals Network

A new young professional network has been created by the LaGrange County Chamber. It was designed to help professionals aged 18 through 40 network and develop professionally and personally. The Young Professionals Network leadership committee includes young professionals from around LaGrange County. Read the rest of the article at The News Sun.

May 2, 2023|Categories: Local Business|

Lake Area Designs Benefits from IEDC MRG

LaGrange business Lake Area Designs, 1260 N. Detroit St., La­Grange was recently awarded ap­proximately $100,000 from the Indiana Economic Development Corporation’s (IEDC) Manufac­turing Readiness Grant program, which was created to stimulate private sector investments to modernize Indiana’s manufactur­ing industry. Lake Area Designs is the first business in LaGrange County to be awarded one of these grants. Read the rest of the article at The LaGrange Standard.

April 3, 2023|Categories: Local Business|

LaGrange Town Council Approves Two Tax Abatements

The LaGrange Town Council granted tax abatements to two LaGrange County businesses on Monday. ATJ Real Estate Holding received a five-year abatement for a $275,000 for a building addition. Lake Area Designs was given a five-year personal property abatement for $498,294 for equipment. Steve Christner of Lake Area Designs, which does custom woodworking and design, said he planned to purchase an optimizing cut-off saw and optimizing rig saw to ease operations in the shop and allow the company to grow. Through the process, it plans to add five new employees. A tax abatement provides a property tax break to a [...]

November 10, 2022|Categories: Local Business|

Planting a Seed

John Larimer, his wife Sherrie and their employees at Partners Brand Seed, Howe, joined members of the LaGrange County Chamber in a ribbon cutting at a new 80-by-254-foot warehouse at 5334 N. 475E on Tuesday afternoon. The Larimers have been in business 13 years in cooperation with Lord’s Seed, taking locally produced seed corn and selling it on the retail market throughout the Midwest.Read the rest of the article at The LaGrange News & Standard.

October 20, 2022|Categories: Local Business|
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